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Shirtless man running with perseverance on a long road.

How to Start Working Out: 9 Tricks to Help Dads Stick with It

February 25, 20247 min read


Fellow Dads, are you nervous about committing to a fitness journey? Do you fear falling off and use that as your excuse for not getting started? We want to help you work through those inhibitions and show you how to start working out so you can stick with it. Let’s say you've got the green light from your doc and you know where you stand fitness-wise. Great start! Now, let's dive into the real deal – staying on track with your fitness journey. It's not just about starting; it's about keeping that fire burning. To help you do that, we’ve drafted up 9 dad-centric tricks to keep you motivated and put away the excuses.

Before the Tricks: Doctor's Nod and Knowing Your Starting Point

Quick reminder, gents: Before leaping into these tricks, ensure you've checked in with your doctor and assessed your fitness level. These steps are crucial in tailoring a safe and effective workout plan that respects your dad bod's current state.

1. Setting Achievable Goals: The Dad's Way

Let's break it down, dad style. Set realistic goals that you can actually hit. Want to run a 5K? Start with jogging short distances and gradually increase. Celebrate the small wins; they add up and keep the motivation high.

And having realistic goals helps you from fizzling out. If you go to the gym and do a killer 2-hour workout session where you can’t function the next day, what kind of motivation are you going to have to repeat that kind of beating week after week?

So much of the value in fitness is in the journey and not the destination, so enjoy the ride!

2. Crafting a Dad-Friendly Schedule

Carve out time for workouts in your busy dad schedule. Whether it’s early morning before the chaos unfolds or in the evening when the kids are down, make this time non-negotiable. Consistency is your ally in the fitness battle.

And we get that being a dad may not be totally synonymous with consistency, but it’s a great place to start. Just know in advance that life is going to happen. Whether it’s a sick kid, a late work meeting, or just a really bad day, that’s a part of the experience. When this happens, it's okay to adjust your workout schedule. Maybe swap your evening session for a quick morning workout or a lunchtime walk. The key is not to beat yourself up over these changes. Adaptability in your fitness routine is just as important as consistency, ensuring your workout plan fits into the unpredictable but rewarding dad life.

An older man performing concentration dumbbell curls as an exercise that he enjoys doing.

3. Choosing Workouts You Enjoy

Find exercises that make you tick. Love the fresh air? Go for runs or bike rides. If the gym's not your scene, home workouts can be just as effective. Remember, if you enjoy it, you’re more likely to stick with it.

We believe in having a workout schedule that fits into your lifestyle - not the other way around. That’s why Abs For Dads has dozens of different workout programs that do just that. Do you like lifting heavy? What about at-home circuits? Maybe you only like bodyweight exercises? Whatever butters your biscuits, we’ve got you covered.

4. Starting with Baby Steps

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a dad bod. Start with manageable workouts and gradually ramp up the intensity. This approach helps build a solid fitness foundation without overwhelming you.

I want to share a powerful insight that’s often overlooked. Being super motivated and pumped up to make a change can do wonders for getting you into the gym in the first place. But all the hype gets old fast and I can tell you from experience it’s not the kind of motivation that keeps people coming back for more. Slow and steady wins the race, so do yourself a favor and pace yourself. This goes back to the realistic goals. 1% improvement every day for a year will get you farther than cycles of huge leaps followed by regression.

5. Embracing the Learning Curve

New to this? No problem. Embrace the journey of learning. Each day is an opportunity to get better. And hey, there's no shame in being that guy in the gym who’s still figuring it out. Remember that every expert was once a beginner.

Being new to exercise is an opportunity to learn and grow, not just physically but mentally too. Don’t shy away from asking for advice - whether it's from a trainer at the gym, a fellow fitness enthusiast, or through reliable online resources (like Abs For Dads!). Embracing this learning phase with curiosity and openness can turn your fitness journey into an exciting adventure, filled with new challenges and achievements. Plus, it sets a great example for the kids about the value of perseverance and lifelong learning.

6. Buddy Up: The Power of Dad Squads

Two is better than one, especially in fitness. Pair up with a workout buddy for added motivation. Whether it’s another dad or a friend, having someone to share the journey with makes it more enjoyable and accountable. And although we advocate for having someone to share that journey with, it’s not just about the more the merrier. You’re creating a support system.

You just can’t beat the camaraderie the comes from having your buddy there to help push you through. Sharing in successes, challenging each other, and keeping each other accountable is a win-win-win. It’s a good way to break away and have guy-time where you can spend time with someone who understands the struggle of being a father. So grab your closest bro, drag him to the gym, and maybe bum a few dad jokes off him along the way.

7. Keeping a Workout Journal

Track your progress. Jot down your exercises, reps, and how you felt. Seeing your improvement over time is a massive boost for motivation. Plus, it's great to look back and see how far you've come.

A fitness journal meant to assist men with keeping a recorded log of their fitness journey.

This habit of journaling not only keeps you accountable but also serves as a motivational tool. On days when you feel stuck or uninspired, looking back at how far you've come can reignite that spark. It’s also a fantastic way to fine-tune your routine, as you can easily spot patterns and make adjustments based on what works best for you.

8. Integrating Fitness into Dad Life

Sneak in extra fitness where you can. Play with the kids, take the dog for longer walks, or choose the stairs over the elevator. Every bit helps in keeping you active and engaged with your fitness goals - and they give you extra options for how to start working out.

Just increasing your overall level of activity can do wonders for your fitness. If you can find a way to pair those activities with family time, you’ll be doing wonders for yourself. There’s a lot of great ways to go about being active with your family. If you need some motivation for where to start, check out one of our other articles here.

9. Celebrating Milestones

Set milestones and celebrate them. Lost that first 5 pounds? Treat yourself to some new workout gear. Managed to workout consistently for a month? Maybe a family outing to celebrate. These celebrations make the journey rewarding.

Each milestone is a story of commitment, early mornings, and sometimes pushing through when you'd rather not. So, when you hit those milestones, take a moment to reflect on the hard work that got you there. Remember, in the dad’s fitness journey, every milestone, no matter how small, is a giant leap towards a healthier, happier you. That’s why we stress to dads in our program that there’s no failure, because every day from the day you start is a day that you’re healthier than you were before.


And there you have it, Dads – your map to staying motivated and consistent in your workouts. Think about these when you wonder about how to start working out and how to keep at it. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Keep pushing, stay patient, and most importantly, enjoy the ride. You’re not just doing this for yourself, but for your family too. Stay strong and stay motivated y’all!



1.     Set Achievable Goals

2.     Create a Schedule

3.     Do Workouts You Enjoy

4.     Start Small

5.     Become Comfortable Learning

6.     Accountability Partner

7.     Record Your Journey

8.     Integrate Fitness Into Family Activities

9.     Celebrate Wins

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how to start working outfitness tips for dadsdad workout motivationdad fitness journeybeginner workouts for dadsexercise accountability for dads
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