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How to Fall Asleep Fast: The 18 Dad-Approved Tips You Shouldn't Sleep On

February 20, 20249 min read


Hey Dads, Travis Dyson here from Abs For Dads. Do you find yourself counting sheep or staring at the ceiling long after the kids have dozed off? Pacing back and forth in your mind about how to fall asleep fast? You're not alone. It’s not uncommon for many adults to wrestle with catching those Zs swiftly. Much of that impacts our ability to get a full night’s rest. In fact, 35% of adults in the U.S. say that can’t even get an average of at least 7 hours of sleep a night. But fear not! I've got your back with some dad-tested strategies to transform your bedtime from a restless ordeal to a tranquil escape. Ready for some life-changing tips to help you nod off quicker than your little one can ask for a bedtime story?

To keep things Abs For Dads appropriate, I’m going to kick things off with what I believe to be two of the most hard-hitting approaches to fixing your sleep. Maybe I’m biased, but I’d be silly to bury the lead by stuffing these two tips further down when they fit oh so nicely in our philosophy. Let’s take a look at ways that will help you understand how to fall asleep fast:

1. The Dad Diet: Foods That Fuel Better Sleep

Eating right isn't just about keeping in shape; it's about setting the stage for better sleep. Here's the lowdown on how your diet can impact your journey to dreamland:

a. Sleep Superfoods:

  • Cherries: Nature's own sleep aid, cherries (especially tart ones) are packed with melatonin.

  • Fatty Fish: Think salmon, trout, or mackerel. Rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, they boost serotonin production.

  • Nuts: Almonds and walnuts are not just for squirrels. They're full of magnesium and melatonin, aiding sleep.

  • Turkey and Chicken: These tryptophan-rich proteins are more than a Thanksgiving staple. They help produce melatonin and serotonin.

b. Avoid the Sleep Saboteurs:

  • Heavy, Rich Foods: Big, greasy dinners can lead to discomfort and indigestion. Not exactly conducive to a peaceful night.

  • Caffeine: The mid-afternoon coffee might be a savior during a work slump, but it's a villain at bedtime.

  • Alcohol: It might seem like it helps you relax, but alcohol actually disrupts your sleep cycle.

c. Timing is Everything:

  • Dinner Timing: Try to eat at least 3 hours before bed. This gives your body ample time to digest.

  • Smart Snacking: If you're a late-night snacker, opt for something light like a small bowl of cereal or a banana.

2. Exercise: The Dad’s Path to Better Sleep

Exercise isn't just about getting those abs; it's about improving your sleep quality too. When guys ask me how to fall asleep fast, this is always at the top of my list.

a. The Right Time to Sweat:

  • Morning Workouts: Kickstart your day and metabolism. It also ensures you're nice and tired by bedtime.

  • Afternoon Exercise: This can be the sweet spot for balancing energy levels and preparing for restful sleep.

  • Evening Workouts: Be cautious. High-intensity exercises can rev up your energy. Opt for relaxing activities like yoga or a gentle walk.

b. Exercise Types for Better Sleep:

  • Cardio: Running, cycling, or even brisk walking can significantly improve sleep quality.

  • Strength Training: Lifting weights or bodyweight exercises not only build strength but also help tire your body in a good way.

  • Relaxation Exercises: Yoga or tai chi can lower stress levels and help your body wind down.

c. Consistency is King:

  • Regular Routine: A consistent exercise schedule helps regulate your sleep patterns. Aim for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.

  • Listen to Your Body: Overdoing it can be counterproductive. Balance is key.

3. Tech Detox Before Bed: Reducing Blue Light for Better Sleep

In our digital age, screens are an integral part of our lives, but they're not so friendly to our sleep patterns. Nowadays, up to 74% of adults admit to using their phones in bed. The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can seriously mess with our sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin production - that's the hormone that tells our bodies, "Hey, it's time to sleep." Think of blue light as a signal that keeps your brain on high alert, making it harder to wind down.

Man looking at the blue light coming from his phone in bed in the dark near his face.

Reducing Blue Light Exposure:

  • Dim the Lights: Most devices have a night mode that reduces blue light exposure. Activate this feature a couple of hours before bedtime.

  • Embrace the Old School: Replace late-night TV or scrolling with non-screen activities. How about revisiting that old hobby you've been neglecting? Model building, anyone?

  • Set a Tech Curfew: Establish a no-screens rule about an hour before bedtime. It's like a last call, but for tech.

  • Create a Charging Station Outside the Bedroom: By charging devices away from your bedside, you remove the temptation to check that one last email or score update.

This small change in your evening routine can significantly improve your sleep quality. By reducing blue light exposure, you're giving your brain the signal that it's time to switch off and rest, ensuring you're more refreshed and ready for dad duties the next day.

4. Understanding Sleep Hygiene for the Busy Dad:

Sleep hygiene isn't about clean sheets (though that helps); it's about habits and practices that set the stage for sound sleep. Consistency is key here, gents. Sticking to a regular sleep schedule and creating a chill-out routine pre-bedtime are vital. Steer clear of late-night espressos, and make your bedroom a cave of comfort - think dark, silent, and cool.

Pros of Nailing Sleep Hygiene:

  • Better sleep quality? Check.

  • Mood and focus improvements? You bet.

  • Boosted overall health? Absolutely.


  • Difficulty dozing off.

  • Potential long-term health hiccups.

  • A foggy dad brain during the day.

5. Establishing a Sleep Routine: Dad Edition:

Our bodies love predictability. Hitting the hay and rising at the same time each day syncs up our internal clocks. Consistent sleep times not only make it easier to fall asleep but also deepen our sleep. Think of it as training for your brain, minus the sweat!


  • Enhanced sleep quality.

  • Regulated body clock.

  • Healthier sleep habits.

Baby sleeping

6. Creating a Sleep Haven:

The right environment is crucial for quality shut-eye. Invest in a good mattress and pillows that support your dad bod perfectly. A dark, cool room is a ticket to dreamland. And yes, minimizing distractions means saying goodnight to your phone too. Try white noise if outside sounds are keeping you up. You want to associate your room with rest, and it can be one of the most potent things you can change when it comes to answering how to fall asleep fast.

7. Wind-Down Activities: The Dad Way:

Relaxing pre-bedtime routines are your secret weapon. How about swapping late-night TV with a book? Or exchange that evening scroll through social media for some soothing tunes. Remember, calm activities signal your brain that it's time to power down.

8. Embracing Relaxation Techniques:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Even a few minutes can ease your mind into sleep mode.

  • Deep Breathing: Try the 4-7-8 method. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, exhale for 8. Repeat and relax.

  • Guided Imagery: Picture yourself in a serene place. It's like a mental vacation before bed.

9. Aromatherapy and Acupressure: Dad’s Natural Sleep Aids:

  • Aromatherapy: A whiff of lavender or chamomile can relax your senses.

  • Acupressure: Gently press between your eyebrows or at the base of your skull to release tension.

10. Overcoming Mental Barriers:

Keep a journal by your bed to jot down any dad worries or to-do lists. This helps clear your mind. And if negative thoughts are keeping you awake, consider some CBT techniques to shift your mindset. Putting stuff on paper helps you empty out your mind of the things that are keeping you up. Go ahead and write down those lingering thoughts like: “what time is that meeting tomorrow?”, “did a leave the propane tank on?”, “I wish there was an Abs For Dads article about how to fall asleep fast.”

11. Embrace the Power of a Good Book:

Reading can be a one-way ticket to Snoozeville, in the best way. Whether it's a spy thriller or a DIY manual, reading helps transition your brain from dad mode to dream mode. Plus, it's a great way to catch up on those books you've been meaning to read since... well, forever.

12. The Magic of a Warm Shower:

There's something about a warm shower that can wash away the day's stress. It's like a reset button for your body and mind, prepping you for a good night's sleep. Bonus: You'll save time in the morning for those extra Zs or a quick workout!

13. Write Down Your Wins:

End the day on a positive note. Take a moment to jot down a few things you nailed today, no matter how small. This practice fosters gratitude and positivity, making it easier to drift off with a smile on your face.

14. Try Herbal Supplements (With a Doc’s Nod):

Consider natural sleep aids like melatonin or valerian root. But remember, always check with your healthcare provider before starting any supplement, especially if you're juggling other dad meds.

15. The Dad’s Nap Rule:

While naps are great, timing is everything. A quick 20-minute power nap can be refreshing, but avoid long naps or late-afternoon snoozes, as they can disrupt your night's sleep cycle. Keep naps early and short to stay in the sleep sweet spot.

16. Room Makeover for Sleep:

Sometimes a small change in the bedroom can make a big difference. Consider blackout curtains, an eye mask, or even changing the color of your room to a more calming hue. Your bedroom should be a sleep sanctuary, not a replica of the kids' playroom.

17. Stay Cool, Dad:

Body temperature plays a huge role in how quickly you fall asleep. Keep your bedroom on the cooler side. A cool room is like a natural sleep signal for your body, telling it to slow down and get ready for rest.

18. Master the Art of Doing Nothing:

In our busy dad lives, we forget how to just be. Spend a few minutes before bed doing absolutely nothing. Sit quietly, let your thoughts wander, and relax. This 'doing nothing' approach can be surprisingly effective in calming the mind and preparing for sleep. Don’t worry about how to fall asleep fast, just allow your mind to drift off.


And there you have it – an expanded arsenal of dad-friendly tips to help you conquer the night and wake up as the superhero dad you are. Instead of worrying about how to fall asleep fast, focus on the good habits instead, and the sleep will come naturally. Remember, the journey to great sleep is unique for everyone. Experiment with these tips, find your perfect sleep recipe, and get ready to tackle your dad duties with renewed energy. Sweet dreams, dads!

Your Cheat Sheet List for How to Fall Asleep Fast:

  1. Diet

  2. Exercise

  3. Tech detox

  4. Hygiene

  5. Sleep routine

  6. Having a sleep retreat

  7. Bedtime activities

  8. Relaxation methods

  9. Aromatherapy/Acupuncture

  10. Sidestep mental blocks

  11. Reading

  12. Warm shower

  13. Writing wins

  14. Supplements

  15. Power nap

  16. Rearrange room

  17. Keep cool

  18. Mental shutdown

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